Tuesday, 14 February 2012

January/Febuary Favourties!

Happy valentines day! i decided to do a favourites post today, and since its half way through Feb, i though id make it jan/feb faves!  there are only a few products so i thought    id keep it short and sweet.

Mac MSF natural in Light/Medium

      i loooooove this powder! probably one of my favourites. It gives such a natural finish. its perfect for me since i have dry skin, because a lot of powders make my skin look flaky and horrible, but this one sits on the skin nicely. However i do think sometimes this oxidises on the skin and turns slightly orange. also if you have very oily skin and looking for a mattifying powder, this wont be for you, because it leaves the skin still quite dewy.

Benefit Coralista Blush
This is such a beautiful blush. Its a very shimmery coral/pink shade, and it leaves the cheeks looking beautiful. I don't even need to wear a highlight with this blush because of the beautiful sheen it gives. the only downside is the £23 price tag!

illimasque cream blush in 'lies' 
OH MY GOD! I absolutely LOVE this highlight. It is honestly the prettiest highlight ever. It gives the cheeks this sheen, that almost looks wet.I cant even express my love for this enough. I will definately be buying this again. Nothing bad about it apart from the fact its slightly pricey.

Coralista blush(left) lies cream highlight(right)

Clinque Chubby Stick

I love this for a nice moisturising wash of colour on the lips. Its very moisturising and gives a lot of pigment at at the same time. I think this is like a pricier version of the revlon lip butters. I also love the packaging!

My last product is the panoxyl 5% acne treatment gel. This is AMAZING. Its the only spot cream iv tried that works! and it only costs £3-4 so its a bargain too!

Hope you enjoyed, have a lovely day.

Monday, 13 February 2012

MAC and Lush Haul

So iv been a  bit naughty lately and have purchased a few mac and lush items over the weekend!
I was feeling a bit down so what would make me feel better than a bit of retail therapy!

Mac Crimson Dazzleglass

Mac Pink Swoon Blush

Lush Mint Julips Lip Scrub

Lush Angels On Bare Skin Cleanser

Lush Sex Bomb  Bath Ballistic
I also got a Lush Magic Mushroom Bubble Bar, but the photo turned out pretty bad!
If you would like a review on any of the products then just let me know:-)

Have a lovely day, MWAH Xo

*all products purchased with my own money

Too Faced Natural Eye Palette

Hey lovelies! so today's..well tonight's blog post is a review on my trusty too faced natural eye palette! iv had this palette for probably near enough 2 years! 
 it cost me around £23 when i first got it from Debenhams, and iv been in love ever since!

 My favourite eyeshadow of all time is in this palette, called silk teddy. it is the most beautiful eyeshadow ever! if you like kitten by Stila, silk teddy is similar but 100x more beautiful!

The eyeshadows are so soft and pigmented and the  amount of different looks iv created with this is insane!  

The top row is matte shadows that are perfect for everyday.
The second  and third rows are shimmery and more dramatic, perfect for nights out.

Some quite rude names there you might have noticed!

So this is quite comparable to the UD naked palettes but around £10 cheaper, so if your not ready to spend all that on the naked palettes then maybe this is a better option!

Here are some swatches..

sexpresso(deep brown)
velvet revolver(taupe)
heaven(milky white)

erotica( cool toned brown)
Push up ( brownish gold)
silk teddy( pinkish champagne)

cocoa puff ( warm toned brown)
honey pot ( shimmery gold)
nude beach ( gold champagne with chunky glitter)

I would definitely recommend this palette, especially if you are starting out with makeup because it comes with these cards to help you create some looks!

hope you guys enjoyed my review!
have a lovely day,